Can Dogs Eat Mango? A Complete Guide To Mango for Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Mango

Can dogs eat mango? The Labrador Site team take a look at how to safely serve mango for dogs.

Dogs can only eat mango flesh, and only in small amounts. Mango skin and the pits of the mango are not safe for dogs.

Mango is sweet and delicious. It’s only natural to want to share this nutritious fruit with your pup. Some dogs may enjoy it, but only offer it as an occasional treat.

Let’s take a look at just how much mango flesh it’s safe for dogs to eat, what could happen if they eat too much, and why mango skin and pits are dangerous for dogs.

Is Mango Safe For Dogs?

Mango is not toxic. The flesh of the mango is safe for dogs to eat. But you need to make sure it’s clean and fresh, and remove the skin and pips.

Mango skin and pips are not safe for dogs to eat. They can cause bowel obstructions. And mango pips can be poisonous to dogs.

Even when feeding just the flesh, only give mango to dogs in moderation! Too much of any fruit can be a bad thing for dogs.

Is Mango Good For Dogs?

So mango flesh is safe for our canine friends. But are mangoes good for dogs and do they enjoy the same health benefits as we do?

Can Dogs Eat Mango

Mangoes are high in fiber and packed with vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients.

The fiber in mangoes can help to regulate your dog’s digestive system. Foods high in fiber also make your pup feel more full and could help to keep their weight down.

Mangoes also have high quantities of Vitamins A, C, E, B6 and B9.

But dogs should get all the nutrients they need from their normal balanced diet. So use mango as a tasty and nutritious snack, or for a motivation treat during training.

When Is Mango Bad For Dogs?

Mango for dogs can be dangerous and result in severe consequences if fed incorrectly.

This is often a problem when dogs help themselves to the tasty fruit which has fallen from a tree in the garden.

So when can mangoes be bad for dogs?


Some dogs, and humans, can be allergic to mangoes because the fruit is from the same family of plants as poison ivy.

So, as when feeding anything new, always give your pup tiny amounts at first to see if there is a reaction.

High Sugar Content

Mangoes contain a lot of sugar.

When dogs consume too much sugar it could upset their stomach. And in the long term it can cause dental problems, obesity and even high blood sugar.


When dogs eat large quantities of mango it can lead to stomach pains, bloating and even diarrhea. Their systems cannot cope with too much fiber.

Choking Hazard

Mango pips and skins can cause choking or obstruction in a dog’s throat or intestines. This is especially true for smaller dogs.


Pips, skins and rotten mangoes each contain specific toxins which could make your dog very sick. This will depend on how much they consume. More about this later.

How Do I Know If My Dog Has Eaten Too Much Mango?

Your dog ate mango and now has loose bowel movements, or even diarrhea. This could mean that they had too much of the fruit.

Usually you don’t need to worry – the problem will pass on its own. Just monitor your pup and make sure they drink enough water to keep hydrated.

If the diarrhea becomes severe and your pup shows signs of dehydration, or any other concerning symptoms, contact your vet right away.

Can Dogs Eat Mango Ice Cream Or Sorbet?

Whether your dog can share your mango ice cream or sorbet depends on how it is prepared.

Commercial products usually have added sugars and preservatives which are not good for your dog. They may even contain the artificial sweetener, Xylitol, which is very toxic for dogs. So study the labels carefully.

Mango ice cream that you make yourself with plain, unsweetened yogurt can be a refreshing treat on a hot day.

The same goes for a sorbet made with frozen pureed mango, and even some other fruits.

Can Dogs Eat Mango Skin?

Dogs shouldn’t eat mango skin.

Mango skin is very tough and slippery. It poses a choking hazard because it can easily slide down your dog’s throat.

Also, mango skin is also not digestible. It could cause an intestinal blockage, especially in smaller dogs.

Allergic Reaction From Mango Skin

Mango skin might also cause an allergic reaction in both humans and dogs.

The oily compound responsible, urushiol, is also found in poison ivy or poison oak. This is why the fruit should be washed properly before you prepare it.

Usual signs of an allergic reaction to this oil are swelling of the lips and tongue, hives and itchiness.

Watch for these signs if your dog has accidentally eaten mango skin. Usually the symptoms disappear after a while but if they don’t, or become severe, consult your veterinarian.

Can Dogs Eat Mango Pips?

Dogs often see mango pips are a wonderfully chewable object. But can dogs have mango pips?

The answer is that you need to remove the pip when you feed your dog a mango. They can cause intestinal obstruction and also contain a potentially dangerous toxin.

Obstruction Hazard

A mango pip is quite large and fibrous and difficult to break while chewing. Their shape also makes them easy to swallow. So mango pips can easily cause choking or a blockage in the intestines.

Watch your dog for signs of an obstruction if you discover that they have eaten a mango pip.

The first signs are choking, vomiting or diarrhea. This could be followed by symptoms of a painful stomach. Next, your dog could become lethargic, with no appetite or interest in anything.

You need to take your dog to a veterinarian immediately if he displays these symptoms. It is highly likely that he will require surgery. Left untreated, it could be fatal for your dog.


The stone inside the mango contains cyanide which is an extremely toxic substance. The small quantity in one seed will probably not cause anything more severe than a tummy ache.

You should however keep an eye on your dog, especially if you suspect that they ate a few seeds. The symptoms of cyanide poisoning include excessive drooling, difficulty breathing, stomach bloat, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and seizures.

If your dog shows any of these symptoms after eating mango pips you should take him to your veterinarian right away. It is an emergency which could be fatal.

Can Dogs Eat Dried Mango?

Everything so far has referred to fresh mango. So can dogs eat mango that is dried?

Dried mango contains the same nutrients as the fresh variety. Dried mango for dogs can serve as a quick and tasty nibble for your dog when you’re out and about.

However, as with any dried foods, the ingredients are more concentrated in dried mangoes. This means that just a small quantity contains a lot of sugar and fiber.

So the answer to the question “Can dogs have dried mango?” is that they can. But you need to be even more cautious about how much you feed your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Mango?

Canned products usually have added sugars, artificial flavors and colorings which are not good for your dog. Canned mango or mango juice is only safe for your dog if there are no other ingredients than 100% mango.

Although safe, there isn’t much sense in feeding your dog pure canned mango. Many of the nutrients are lost in the canning process.

Can Dogs Eat Mango Leaves?

When giving mango for dogs to eat, always remove the leaves as well as the skin and pip.

Mango leaves are used in alternative treatments for humans. But there is no evidence that they have any benefits for dogs – they might even make your dog sick.

Can Dogs Have Mango That is Rotten or Moldy?

You may have some mangoes that are starting to go bad. Instead of wasting them, you decide to give them to your dog.

But is this mango safe for dogs?

Can Dogs Have Mango That Is Rotten?

Rotten fruit produces ethanol (alcohol) which is particularly poisonous to dogs.

You should never let dogs eat any fruit that has gone rotten as it could be dangerous.

Dogs and Moldy Mango

Never let your dog eat moldy mangoes.

According to the Pet Poison Helpline, moldy food is extremely toxic to dogs. It can cause seizures and tremors, which would require immediate veterinary attention.

So keep your furry friend away from any rotten or moldy fruit. Also make sure that your dog can’t sniff them out from where you dispose of the fruit.

Can Dogs Eat Mango

Health Benefits Of Mango For Dogs

We now know that mango for dogs is a safe treat containing many healthy nutrients. But should we feed it to them regularly to improve their health? Let’s look at two examples.

Vitamin C

Mango contains high levels of vitamin C. A healthy happy dog will make their own vitamin C. They don’t need to have it in their diet.

Dogs could produce too little vitamin C when they are stressed, either physically or emotionally. Low levels of this vitamin results in lower resistance to disease. Also slower recovery from illness and injuries.

In this case added vitamin C may benefit your pup.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A promotes good eye health, especially in aging dogs. It also helps with dry eyes and night blindness and can help to prevent cataracts.

But again, this essential nutrient should be provided by your dog’s normal food.

The nutrients in the amount of mango which is safe for your dog will probably not make much difference. Rather see the fruit as a tasty snack which is more nutritious than many others.

Is Mango Good for Aging Dogs?

Potentially one of the most significant health benefits of mango for dogs is the high concentration of antioxidants.

Antioxidants promote a healthy immune system and help to prevent degenerative diseases.

A study published in 2012 looked at effects of antioxidants in aging dogs. The dogs fed with a supplement of antioxidants in their diet showed vast improvement in their cognition and functionality.

Therefore, giving mango for dogs to eat on a regular basis may hypothetically prevent age-related diseases.

But there haven’t been any studies to conclusively show this link between dogs and mango. So again, speak to your vet if this is a concern for you.

Is Mango Good For Dogs With Constipation?

Can dogs eat mango to help with constipation rather than just as a treat?

A balanced kibble or canned diet should provide your dog with all the fiber they need to keep their digestive system normal and healthy.

If your pup suffers from mild constipation despite a balanced diet, the high fiber content in mango might help to solve this problem.

However, if the symptoms persist, consult your veterinarian.

Is Mango Good For Dogs With Diabetes?

Mango but might help much with constipation, but can dogs eat mango to help diabetes? Mango could be good for dogs with diabetes.

It is suggested that the fiber and some of the vitamins and minerals present in the fruit can help to regulate insulin levels in the body.

On the other hand, diabetic dogs risk blood sugar spikes from the high sugar content in mangoes.

So it’s important to speak to your veterinarian before you consider feeding your dog mango as a supplement for diabetes.

How Can I Feed My Dog Mango?

While you snack on a mango, your dog will probably want to join in.

Only give ripe mango for dogs to eat. Always wash the fruit thoroughly to remove any chemicals that could be toxic. Then peel the skin and remove the pit as well.

Mango flesh is soft and generally does not pose a threat for choking. Make sure, though, to cut it into bite-size cubes or slices which are appropriate for the size of your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Mango
Remember that mango is only good for dogs as an occasional treat because of the high sugar and fiber content.

It’s important to keep the amount of treats your dog gets to less than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake, or it can lead to gastrointestinal upset, obesity, and other problems.

Frozen Mango Treats

You could offer your dog a slice of frozen mango on a hot day for extra hydration.

For pups, a frozen spear of mango is a great alternative to teething biscuits and chews.

The Labrador Handbook by Pippa Mattinson(paid link)

Special occasion coming up? You may want to try the frozen mango treat recipe provided by

Does Dog Food Contain Mango?

As far as we can establish, there are no commercial dog foods that contain mango as an ingredient.

It’s always a good idea to check the ingredients of your dog’s commercial food. But, mango is unlikely to make an appearance.

Can Dogs Eat Mango – Summary

So, do dogs and mango go together? Can dogs eat mango safely?

The key to feeding mango for dogs is in small servings as a healthy addition to their staple diet.

Feed it fresh, frozen or dried – but always in moderation.

It’s a safe and tasty treat for your dog so long as you only feed them the fleshy part of the fruit. The skin and pips can cause choking, intestinal obstruction or even poison your pup.

Does your dog have a favorite fruit? Does he like mango? Why not let us know in the comments section below?

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References and Further Reading


The Labrador Site Founder

Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of The Happy Puppy Handbook, the Labrador Handbook, Choosing The Perfect Puppy, and Total Recall.

She is also the founder of the Gundog Trust and the Dogsnet Online Training Program 

Pippa's online training courses were launched in 2019 and you can find the latest course dates on the Dogsnet website