Dog sleeping bag
Have you ever heard of a dog sleeping bag? If you've ever gone camping with your dog, you just may have! While out in nature, your dog will need to stay hydrated and steer clear of too much sun exposure. At night when it is time to sleep, your dog will also...
aesthetic dog beds
Aesthetic dog beds have always been my aim for our family dog. I have spent hours, days, weeks even, making sure my home decor is how I want it. Spending my hard earned dollars on soft furnishings and repairs every year! And I bet you are the...
unchewable dog beds
Unchewable dog beds are the holy grail for some pet owners. To be sure, replacing your pup’s bed time and time again, just to have it destroyed on sight is a really frustrating experience. But do unchewable dog beds really exist? In this article I take a...
outdoor canopy bed for dogs
My dog gets a huge amount of use out of his outdoor dog bed. An outdoor canopy bed for dogs is a must-have piece of gardenware for anyone whose dog likes to keep them company outside. Heatstroke is a common problem for dogs living in hot climates,...