18 Reasons Why Labradors Make Great Pets


Just as no two people are the same, no two Labradors are either. But whilst each one of them is unique, there are still many common facets that Labradors share, which make them awesome family pets. Wonderful parts of their personality, as well as their distinctive look, ensure that this breed will always be dear to my heart, and I think they should be to yours too!

1. Labradors’ Listen

How often do you get to tell someone about your day, knowing that you won’t have to hear his or her views? Just to get a sounding board to bounce your thoughts and feelings off.

Have a great idea that you don’t want anyone knocking down just yet? We’ve got the perfect listener. Because they love human company, your Labrador will patiently listen to you. Letting you express yourself. But they also let you express your actions, because they don’t judge.

I used to sit on the floor next to my old black Lab as a teenager and unload all of my worries. It wasn’t something I’d have been comfortable doing to my family, despite how close we were and remain. You know what teens are like! But having those floppy listening ears there for me every day, it really meant something.

bonnie playing with her kong wubba

2. They Don’t Judge

Do you like dancing around your living room in your underwear? Or you listen exclusively to 80’s Glam Rock? Do you like to get all dressed up, even when you have nowhere to go? Your family might make you feel like you’ve lost the plot, but I can guarantee that your Labrador won’t.

I have a habit of singing and dancing without realising I’m doing it. My kids might raise their eyebrows at me, my dog never will!

When you are with him, you are in the company of someone who has not judgements of your character or appearance. He just loves you for being you.

3. They Offer Comfort

Whatever the reason for their actions, a lot of Labradors behave very differently towards you when you are upset.

My teenage years companion was called Ted. He was a very bouncy chap. If you bent down towards the floor, he wanted to be right there standing on your head before you’d even made it to a crouch. But if you were upset, you could always sit right down next to him, and he would just gently rest his head in your lap until you were feeling better.

Whether they are sharing your pain, reacting to your changed behaviour, or simply curious, your Labrador knows when you are down and can offer you a real (furry) shoulder to cry on.

4. Labradors Are Gentle

Although Labs can be a bouncy breed, they are also very gentle. Their sweet natures make them some of the safest dogs to have around vulnerable people. They are not naturally inclined to nipping beyond their puppy days, and they are not commonly found to be aggressive. As far as you can trust any dog, you can trust a Labrador.

My son started rolling around in the back yard next to my parents’ fox red Lab Bonnie last weekend. This is something that I wouldn’t advice for most kids around most dogs, but this dog, well, she is something special.

Bonnie the labrador with her kong toy

5. They Give Companionship

You are never alone when you have a Labrador. Even if you live on your own, or your partner works late or overseas for periods of time, you have company at home. The presence of a large, loyal friend in the house makes you feel more relaxed in the evenings. They are someone to talk to, and a trusted friend. From gardening to loading the dishwasher, your friend will be right alongside you. Whether you want him there or not!

6. They Are Enthusiastic

Labradors are an enthusiastic bunch. They are not known for being shy, and simply love the world, including everyone and everything in it. This cheerful approach to life is really refreshing, and contributes to their being a very trainable breed of dog.

7. They Get Stuck In

Whatever you are doing at home, your Labrador wants to be doing it too. Their boundless energy and bold nature certainly keeps life interesting. From jumping through fields of mud, to flying headlong into a murky pond, your Labrador is sure to get stuck in to life.

8. Labradors Are Confident

Labradors were bred as gundogs, and so have an inherent amount of confidence when out and about in the world. This helps them to stay kind, interested and enthusiastic, wherever you might take them.

9. Labradors Are Loyal

Whilst Labradors have a lot of love to give, they are also loyal to their families. Your Lab might want to say hello to everyone and every thing in the park, but he will always want to come back home with you at the end of the day. To curl up on your feet, or squeeze next to you in a space on the sofa that he hasn’t properly occupied since he was 10 weeks old.

10. Labradors Are Brave

There are countless tales of brave deeds committed by Labradors. Whether it’s Labs who were trained to perform certain tasks in dangerous situations, or pets who unexpectedly take risks or go the extra mile to protect their loved ones. They are certainly a heroic breed.

11. Labradors Are Funny

Our Labradors make us laugh. From the immature (sniffing their own farts, and looking appalled springs to mind), to the more generally acceptable levels of humorous (chasing their tails, leaping around like a mad thing). I bet your Labrador gives you at least one extra laugh every day, and who could say they don’t need that in their lives!

12. Labradors Keep Us Fit

Labradors are fairly big dogs, and they are bred to work. So regardless of whether or not they are used as gundogs as well as being family pets, they have a need for a certain amount of exercise every day.

18 reasons why Labradors make great pets

There is no excuse that is going to get you out of getting up early and putting on your walking boots before work.

13. Labradors Help Us Live Longer

It’s been shown that staying healthy is directly related to the amount of exercise you get. As we’ve just seen, when you have a Labrador you get a lot more exercise than you would without him. Every extra step he has you make, will help you to live a longer and healthier life.

14. Labradors Keep Us Busy

A lot of us live very busy lives. Combining work, a family and hobbies. But some people, especially when they have retired or had children move away, can feel life is lacking something. When you have a Labrador, there is always something to be done. You never have to have that drifting ‘what is next’ feeling whilst he is a part of your life.

15. Labradors Encourage Us To Learn

If you share your life with a Labrador, you are a dog trainer. How far you take this responsibility is up to you, but you will need to learn at least the basics in order to maintain a sane and sensible household. Once you have had fun teaching your Labrador some simple commands, you might well find you want to do some more. Training is a great bonding experience, and spending this special time with your Labrador should make you want to learn more ways to work with him.

16. Labradors Are Eager To Please

Whether your Labrador is motivated most by food, hugs or praise, he will also want to please you. It isn’t the best bet to take advantage of this in training without backing it up with treats, but it certainly helps you along your way!

The Labrador Handbook by Pippa Mattinson(paid link)

17. Labradors Are Loving

Anyone who owns a Labrador, knows that their Labrador loves them. One of the great things about Labs, is this love is rarely directed just at one person. They have so much love, that they share it with your family, friends and anyone else they happen to meet too.

18. Labradors Make Us Better People

Living with a Labrador is wonderful, but can be trying at times. Staying patient and focussed is vital to maintaining a good relationship with your dog, and it’s a lesson that we can extend to our other dealings in life. Whether it’s getting better at waiting for things, or dealing with people at work or in our families. Our Labradors teach us ways to control our emotional responses, which we can put to good use in other ways every day.

Can you think of any other reasons that your Labrador makes such a great pet? Why not let us know in the comments section below:

The Labrador Site Founder

Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of The Happy Puppy Handbook, the Labrador Handbook, Choosing The Perfect Puppy, and Total Recall.

She is also the founder of the Gundog Trust and the Dogsnet Online Training Program 

Pippa's online training courses were launched in 2019 and you can find the latest course dates on the Dogsnet website


  1. I have had 2 German Shepherd Dogs,3 Golden Retrievers,2Black Labs, and 2Yellow Labs, and one Lab mix.
    Loved them all. Different dogs, different Personalities; but I have to say, the Labs are tops for loving, sweetness, devotion, and all-round greatness!
    Always be kind and positive with any pup, and they will give you their heart and soul., The Labs will do it with a huge smile.

  2. I have a black lab named Stacie.She is so sweet!!!!She is the best lab I have ever had😍😍😍😍😍🥰….but my choclate lab prince had to go to heaven😭

  3. So devoted, loving, reliable…I guess you could say that about most dogs. I’ve only had 2 in my life-a yellow & a black lab-mix. Most precious dogs ever; loved them more than life & miss them more than I can say. So grateful for the love & joy they brought me, and our family. Now on waiting list for a new love from a lab rescue 😍

  4. I am on love with my Dixie lab 6 years.
    The way she looks at me…priceless.
    I am sure she feels the same. Dixie is not a pet. She is a member of the family.

  5. I have a 6 month old black Labrador she is absolutely adorable and funny. Her tail never stops wagging it even spins round. Great off the lead and so so freindly
    At least 2 a day she makes me laugh and certainly smile. She’s just amazing

  6. Labrador’s are sweet, gentle and very smart. I do believe that mine understands everything I say. No dog is better than a lab.

  7. Labradors let you know that GOD IS REAL. For ONLY GOD could have CREATED a being SO PERFECT! My black lab passed away at 15 1/2. Handing her over to God was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. Seven years later, I still miss her dearly. Be good to your fur baby.

  8. Labs have a innocence about them I know my did and when we lost him(crossed the Rainbow bridge) last year. I couldn’t t put into words and then it came to me it was my boys innocence. I miss him every minute of the day and night, just all the time. I love you Tucker.

  9. we have 13 week old yellow lab BOOMER! he is so loving i have 3 children 2 5 8 and he is great with all of them he walks off his lead in our local park and will come and sit when asked ..he is already so loving and we hope to have him in our family for years to come

  10. Our lab always makes me feel so special when he sees me. It doesn’t matter if I have been at work all day or just walked out to the mailbox he always greets me with lots of licks and bounces!!!

  11. They are all of these things and more they are the most amazing dog for everyone and they are also very protective. I lost my beautiful black lab shadow 6 weeks ago and i raised three children and never felt fearful because he was so gentle and loving towards them he even played tea parties with them lol and he saved me and my oldest from a break in if it hadnt been for him we wouldnt be here now. I would recommend a lab to anyone you honestly couldnt get a better pet. RIP Big man love and miss you billions

  12. My 15th year old Lab has unstuffed three of her beds….each one not taking
    much over 2 nights apiece……! Im thinking of making my own stuff to stuff
    Any ideas???

  13. I have 2 labs white & black I found out the white one doesn’t like pickles lol!!! The black one I have yet to find something she won’t eat!!!

  14. He watches our body language, he knows exactly what I want even when I’m crying.
    He hugs me around the neck with both hands and kisses my face to make me feel better.
    I am a PTSD patient.

  15. I agree that one of the benefits of having a dog is that they will listen without speaking or judging you. It is really nice to be able to come home after a stressful day and vent to someone who just loves being with you. I remember coming home after school and sitting with my dog while telling him about my day. It was like talking with my own personal psychiatrist.

  16. My chocolate lab will eat anything whether it’s food or not. She is beautiful and so smart. I’ll be glad when she’s out of the puppy stage though. I guess around 1 more year. Lol!

  17. My black lab always likes to rest his head on my lap while standing. And always wags his tale. My best friend and soul mate.

  18. Looking forward to having our very own labrador puppy in 3 weeks! This site has been so helpful in all out preparations and understanding these wonderful dogs.