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Travel sickness in Labradors

Car sickness in a dog can make journeys quite miserable. For him and for you. So how can we avoid this horrible condition? And what can we...

Noisy Labradors: getting to the root of the problem

Some breeds of dog are naturally more noisy than others. But on the whole, noise is not the communication method of choice for dogs. Dogs...

Common Myths About Labrador Health Testing

It is hard for experienced Labrador owners to believe, but there are still puppy buyers out there,  purchasing Labrador puppies every week,  who do...

Introducing Your Labrador To The New Baby

Bringing a new baby home is an amazing experience. It is also a daunting and exhausting one. A Labrador in the house can complicate things...

Cycling With Your Labrador

Cycling with your Labrador can be a great way to bond and exercise with your pet. However, it is not without it’s potential pitfalls. So...

Socializing An Adult Labrador

In an ideal world every Labrador puppy will have a perfect start in life. But in the real world things are not always perfect. In addition...

Your questions about Labradors

Pippa explains how you can get your questions answered quickly The Labrador Site is now one of the busiest pet blogs on the internet. We have...
puppy vaccination

Genetic Testing For Labradors

Over the last few years a range of genetic tests have sprung up. These tests were created to help Labrador breeders determine whether their breeding...
how to clean dogs ears

How to stop your Labrador snatching in six easy steps

In this article, I'm going to show you how to stop your Labrador snatching. This simple training technique is for friendly but greedy dogs that...

Faking It! A Labrador Training Strategy

So many times in Labrador training,  we get to a point where the dog behaves impeccably at home,  then 'runs riot' when we take...