Feeding Your Labrador Puppy: How Much, Diet Charts And The Best Food

feeding your labrador puppy

The food you give your Labrador puppy, together with choosing the right portions and schedules, will help ensure their optimum growth, development and health. Puppy kibble, raw food, wet canned meals and homemade Labrador diets all have different benefits.

The amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals vary even between brands of the same type of puppy food. Your small puppy needs to eat regular small nutritious meals. Feed your Lab puppy four times a day, to begin with, evenly spread out over daytime hours. Our Labrador feeding chart by age will help you adjust as your puppy grows up.

*The products linked in this article were carefully selected by The Labrador Site. If you decide to purchase using the links provided, we may earn a small commission on that sale. This is at no extra cost to you.

I will show you the best puppy foods, whether dry, wet, or raw, and look at food safety, together with schedules, quantities and even a handy puppy diet chart. Finally, I’ll include some reviews of the various brands, and will help you cope with the all-important transition to feeding an adult dog.

Ways of Feeding Your Labrador Puppy

The main Labrador puppy food types are:

  • Puppy kibble dried food
  • BARF or raw feed
  • Wet food in cans or pouches
  • Home cooked puppy food

Experts Disagree on Puppy Feeding

Experts disagree on the best way to feed your puppy. People often feel very strongly that one way of feeding is better than another, and you can always find evidence to support your view. Dog breeders, veterinarians and even nutritionists have their own strong views. The dire consequences they list for not listening to them can have puppy owners very worried.

The truth is that there is no good quality evidence showing that kibble is better for the long term health of your dog, or that raw feeding is better. There are risks and benefits to both, and the main thing is to ensure that your dog has good quality food to eat.

feeding your labrador puppy

Choosing The Best Puppy Food For Labs

Different puppy feeding suit different families. Puppy kibble suits some better, and raw puppy food is better for others.

If like most people, you’ll be feeding your Labrador puppy on commercial dry puppy food, you should not feel that you are letting him down in any way.

Puppy Kibble for your Labrador

Good puppy kibble(paid link)* will contain all the nutrients your Labrador puppy needs in order to grow and remain healthy. Puppy kibble stores well provided that you don’t get the food become damp. An airtight plastic container or tin will do the job, although you should make sure it is food grade quality.

Most breeders start their puppies off on kibble and your veterinarian is most likely to support this method of feeding.

What Other Food Should You Feed With Puppy Kibble?

Labrador puppy kibble only needs to be fed next to water. Puppy kibble from a reputable manufacturer is intended to be a complete and balanced food. But some owners like to mix in canned dog food or even scraps of raw food with kibble.

Whether you decide to feed only with kibble or you want to mix it up, pick a good dried food manufacturer and stick with them.

What About Feeding Puppies On Raw Food?

Feeding your Labrador puppy raw food has its benefits and drawbacks. One of the downsides is that there is a lot to learn.

Do Plenty of Research

Puppy nutrition research is a huge area you’ll need to dive into to make sure they have a balanced diet during rapid growth. Here is a link to the articles you need to help you decide whether or not raw feeding is for you:

Although I like the raw diet for my dogs, most puppies fed kibble go on to have long and healthy lives. Whatever puppy food you choose, the most important thing is portion control.

How Much to Feed your Labrador Puppy?

People often tell me how much their puppy weighs, and ask how much puppy food they should give him. In fact, one of the most common questions we hear is “how much should I feed my Labrador puppy?”

Labrador puppy food quantities can be measured in weight, but you can also do it by eye. Your puppy’s physical shape is a big giveaway.

Risks Of Overfeeding Your Puppy

Rapid growth doesn’t just put weight on your puppy, but leads to larger but less dense bones and associated skeletal abnormalities. Your Labrador is particularly at risk if they grow too quickly.

The following diet chart is for kibble fed puppies and does not apply to raw fed pups. It gives you an idea of how much to feed your Labrador puppy

Lab Puppy Feeding Chart

puppy feeding chart

The Lab puppy feeding chart below is only a very rough guide. The quantity of food you need for your puppy will vary depending on your puppy and on the brand of food you are feeding him.

Choosing Best Brand of Puppy Food

The best brands of dog food will provide all your puppy’s nutrients and keep him healthy without costing you a small mortgage each week.

It’s important to give your little one food specifically designed for your puppy, because they have different nutritional needs.

Labrador puppy food must be aimed at medium to large breed dogs. Check the pack carefully and look at the dietary charts. Ideally, you want the optimal protein content and the lowest amount of additives.

Part of this always comes down to the cost. The healthiest puppy food is usually the most expensive and may not be affordable for some families.

The Cost Of Puppy Food

Some puppy food brands are more concentrated than and contain a higher proportion of proteins, essential oils, and other nutrients. The cheaper brands may contain more ‘fillers’ in the form of extra carbohydrates, usually made from grain. The absence of these fillers means that you can often feed lower quantities of more costly food, making them less expensive than they first seem.

You might also find that cheaper brands make your puppy poop more due to those extra fillers going straight through him. While some brands are beyond the budget of many families, it is usually good to buy a premium brand.

High Quality Brands of Puppy Food

Some brands of puppy food have developed a reputation for producing a high quality product and have many devoted supporters, including breeders that have fed them to generations of puppies.

One of our favorites is Orijen Large Breed Puppy Formula(paid link).*

Orijen - Biologically Appropriate Kibble(paid link)

Orijen(paid link)* (and some of the other more expensive brands), relies on legumes like lentils and chickpeas as a source of carbs.

These are much gentler on your dog’s stomach than grain, which can cause bowel irritation.

Puppy Food Availability

The big brands are widely available in many parts of the world, and they have a valuable reputation to maintain. So, the chances are, your puppy will be eating a good quality product if you choose one of these.

labrador puppy feeding and puppy food guide

Your puppy food should give you the manufacturers quantity guidelines for that brand on the packet.

Again, this is a rough guide only, and you should not follow the advice slavishly. Your overfed puppy will be prone to diarrhea, obesity, and too-rapid growth.

Following Puppy Feeding Quantity Guidelines

Just to complicate things, not every puppy in each age group will fall within the weights displayed on the chart above. Some owners may worry that there is something wrong with their puppy. However, don’t worry, because our cuddly Labrador pups vary so much.

Quite simply, puppies of the same age vary in weight and size, so that means the amount of food you need to feed them will be different. Use the guidelines on the packet as a guide, then observe and feel your puppy to check how he is doing. You can always chat to your vet if you have any concerns.

Keeping Your Puppy At The Right Weight

It is important that your dog does not get too fat or too thin. However, you have some leeway, and you should increase or decrease his rations accordingly as he grows.

The most common problem is puppies that get too fat. Although we all love cuddly Labrador puppies, they should not be rotund!

By three months or so, they should have definite waist just like older dogs. Check out this page for more information.

Of course, the other side of the weight issue is puppies that look too thin. That can be another important issue.

What If Your Puppy Is Too Thin?

If you are worried about your puppy’s growth rate it is a good idea to take him along to your vet for check up. Sometimes, it is just a matter of increasing the amount of food or changing the brand to a more nutritious option with fewer fillers.

How Often Should you Feed Your Labrador Puppy?

Like most baby animals, your puppy needs feeding more often than adult dogs. Right now, your puppy’s growth is the fastest it will ever be in his life. He needs plenty of calories to fuel that growth, as well as the right nutrients.

If you feed his entire day’s ration in one go, his digestive system will be overwhelmed and he’ll end up with diarrhea. So, you need to make sure that your puppy’s daily ration of food is broken up into several small meals, fed three to four hours apart.

Feeding your Labrador puppy little and often is a great way of preventing tummy upsets. If your puppy has rather loose stools on three meals a day, try breaking his ration up into four meals a day for a while.

General Guidelines

As a rule of thumb puppies fed on kibble require

  • Four meals a day from eight weeks to three months
  • Three meals a day from three months to six months
  • Two meals a day thereafter

This is all part of getting your puppy used to the feeding routine. Puppies tend to like predictability and feeding at set times.

Mealtimes and Schedules: Or When to Feed Your Puppy

Your puppy’s feeding schedule can fit in with your preferences up to a point. But don’t try and cram all his meals into the evening. If you have to work during the day, you’ll need to make sure someone comes in to feed him.

You can’t just leave your puppy’s food ration for the day down, because he’ll eat it all at once and this may upset his tummy.

First Meal of the Day

Puppies love food, and crave the attention that comes with feeding time. If you’re feeding your Labrador puppy at 6am, because he has woken you and was hungry, the chances are he’ll wake you at 5:45 the following day!

Remember, feeding is a powerful reinforcer of behavior. If you don’t want to encourage your puppy to wake you up earlier each morning, don’t feed him as soon as you get up. Have a coffee and wake up before filling the bowl.

Have a set time for breakfast and don’t feed her before then, even if she has been awake for two hours. She won’t starve in that short period of time, although she might make you feel like she is! Be firm and resist the temptation.

Last Meal Before Bed

Try to space your puppy’s meals out fairly evenly throughout the day. Most importantly, don’t feed your puppy just before you put her to bed for the night.

I like to leave at least a four-hour gap between the puppy’s last meal and her bedtime. This helps to reduce the risk that she will want to use the bathroom at 2 am.

Example Puppy Feeding Schedule

Just to help you on the way, here is an example puppy feeding schedule. Of course, you can adapt this to suit your own routine as long as you pay attention to the above advice.

Feeding schedule for an 8 week old Labrador puppy

My puppy feeding times for 8-week-old puppies tend to be something like this:

  • 7am
  • 11am
  • 3pm
  • 7pm

You don’t need to be a slave to the clock, but this is just to give you an idea. A few minutes or even half an hour earlier or later won’t cause problems.

12 Weeks Old

Feeding schedule for a 12 week old Labrador puppy:

  • 8am
  • 1pm
  • 6pm

If you want to make an early start with training your puppy, you can use all or part of his daily rations during training sessions. Again, spread these out throughout the day, and don’t feed too close to bedtime

What If My Puppy Is Still Hungry?

One of the things people most often ask is, “what if my puppy is still hungry?” They have followed the guidelines on the packet, but the food doesn’t seem to be enough to satisfy the puppy.

Finding the right puppy food for hungry puppies

If your puppy clears up his food in a few seconds and begs for more, don’t panic. This is perfectly common and perfectly normal.

Your puppy doesn’t know for sure when his next meal will be along, so it makes sense to him to eat as much as he possibly can right now!

The Labrador Handbook by Pippa Mattinson(paid link)

And, your puppy will be very good at using every trick in the book to win you round.

Stand firm!

What if My Puppy Won’t Eat?

As most experienced Labrador owners know, not all puppies are greedy. And studies have shown that puppies in general eat more when they are fed in a group with other puppies

Your puppy might go off their food for the first few days they spend at home. They eat a few bits of kibble then refuse any more. The puppy may eat from your hand but not their bowl. If your puppy won’t eat at all for more than four hours, then call your vet for advice. Call sooner if the pup is listless or showing any signs of being unwell.

Otherwise, a somewhat reduced appetite, to begin with, is probably nothing to worry about. Just mention it to your vet when you take the pup for his first check up, or in the next day or two.

Changing From Puppy To Adult Food

Puppy kibble manufacturers often recommend feeding your Labrador puppy kibble for puppies up to 12 months of age, before changing to adult kibble.

Feeding Labrador Puppy on kibble

Some breeders and experienced dog owners do switch their lab puppies on to adult food before this, but not usually before they reach six months of age.

The Labrador Site Founder

Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of The Happy Puppy Handbook, the Labrador Handbook, Choosing The Perfect Puppy, and Total Recall.

She is also the founder of the Gundog Trust and the Dogsnet Online Training Program 

Pippa's online training courses were launched in 2019 and you can find the latest course dates on the Dogsnet website

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Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of several books on dogs. She is the founder of the Labrador Site and a regular contributor. She is passionate about helping people enjoy their Labradors and lives in Hampshire with her husband and four dogs.


  1. I have a 10 week old lab mixed with Dalmatian should i feed her the lab rules or Dalmatian. My daughter had been feeding her purina one smart blend should i change it or stay with it

    • Hello there.I have a 8 weeks old labrador puppy and I was thinking what brand food should I should The real problem is orijen isn’t available in my town there are only 3 choises . Royal cannin, Pedigree and drools I am confused which two should I chose

      • You can order many different brands on line as such places as Amazon and Chewys. They deliver as a single bag or auto ship monthly or bimonthly or whatever schedule you would like to set up, great unbeatable prices.👍

  2. Hi, I have a Lab, she is 3 1/2 month. She is very thin, please suggest food for her ( Home made) or other commercial food except kibble. because Kibble is not available in our town.

    • The article above is a complete guide Rout. If you cannot get kibble, then raw feeding is a good alternative. If you decide to cook your puppy’s meat, you’ll need to remove the bones before feeding and give her supplements to replace the minerals they contain. Your vet will be able to advise you on local products.

  3. Hello pipa…I have labrador of 5 and half years.we feed her 3 meals a day..In the morning we give 5 biscuits and milk,at afternoon boiled chicken and rice or sometimes egg ,in the eve she is fed with again 5 biscuits and at night we feed her with bread and milk…so I wanna ask if this diet is okay or not?if no then please suggest something…and yes she also underweight.

  4. Hi, I have a 5 month old black lab Leo.
    He is happy, healthy and very well behaved.
    He got toilet trained very easily and now
    calls us if he wants to go. He is fed Hills
    Science Diet kibble and raw carrots apple
    and a bit of banana. I also give him
    raw organ meat and tinned tuna in oil.
    He seems to tolerate his meal well.
    Has a lovely coat and looks handsome.
    He sleeps throughout the day and
    demands playtime in the evening.
    He is crated and has family time for
    certain hours in the day. He seems
    happy and is the most well mannered
    dog in the world. He is being trained
    at home after attending 4 pup class
    sessions. One of the best breeds.

  5. My puppy is 45 days old and he eats pedigree.
    But sometimes he womits all his pedigree.
    I feed him 4 times a day.
    What to do.
    It is very cold this time and he is awake all night and runs here and here. I feel that he will get cold.
    Twice he have eaten his own pee.
    Suggest something.

  6. hi pipa i have a 45 days old lab pup.. he is happy with the kibble am feeding him.. few breeders suggest to give cerelac (the human babys food) what is your opinoin about it?? and also i would like to know about home made dog foods for pupies.

    • Hi Swai, my opinions on puppy feeding are pretty much all in the article above 🙂 Home made diets can work, but I don’t recommend them for puppies unless you are very knowledgeable about nutrition and a growing puppy’s nutritional needs.

  7. I have a 7-week old lab. I got her 4days ago. Upon getting her, the breeder adviced me to feed her with kibble. However, when we got home, she refused to eat kibble. Until now, she still refuses to eat ’em. Im worried because her ribs are already showing up so i gave her human food.
    Any advice on this? As i would prefer her to eat kibbles.

  8. Hi pippa…
    I hav a 3 month old healty lab…
    Eats nicely, sleeps nicely, poops nicely…
    Bt he never barks not even tries…
    N he is ready to go with evry guest that visits us…
    Moreover he is always tempted to food…
    Whenever we r havin our meal he’ll be there sitting trying to eat from the table…
    He has done this many times n it really pisses us off…
    N he does this even whn he’s full…
    Whenever anyone comes out of the kitchen he follows them…
    He licks our hands aftr v eat…
    V hav made sure dat v r feeding him sufficiently bt still his behavior isn’t changing…

  9. My Puppy is 3 month old and he weighs only 7.5-8 kilos. Is it normal? I’m a bit scared but his ribs and all are not seen. He looks Healthy and he is very active. He also doesn’t have face fat.

  10. Hi pippa,
    what can i say?? words fail me at some of these questions… totally agree with alan.!!.. we have a beautiful bouncing brown bundle of joy, our first ever lab, hes in amazing condition, hes 4 months old and is an absolute joy.!!! i had researched every food going before we even bought him home (dry, raw)!!!.. we wanted to give him the best possible start… his coat is beautiful, his poo is wonderful and firm, hes very calm (i put all this down to good quality kibble) his treats come out of his daily food allowance and he loves frozen carrot(under supervision of course)for his tender gums… just ordered the new book today.!! cant wait for it to arrive..

  11. Hi pippa,
    Actually me and my cousin has brought couple of puppies of almost same age and was feeding well as you have mentioned above but the problem is my sis’s lab is evenly growing but my lab is not getting fat in his face. Also my puppy is very healthy and good weight. I know growing odd doesnt effect health but looking odd is what hurting me. And mine is very active than her’s and mine has somewhat thin legs than her’s. What to do for this. If there is any remedy i’m glad to know.

  12. Hi Pippa!
    I have a 14-week old working lab who is quite skinny, we can see the ribs clearly on his sides. He weighs 9 kilos and I give him 80g 3 times a day. He has a very long torso and legs, almost looks like he had a growth spurt and didn’t “fill up” yet… I tried increasing his food, but he gets loose stools when I do. The vet took a stool sample to see if there’s anything wrong eventhough he is wormed regularly. Is it normal for working lab puppies to go through a skinny stage?
    Thank you for your advice as I am pretty worried,

    • It is common for young pups to go through a temporary skinny stage – often around five or six months old. But you do want to get those ribs covered. You may be able to increase his overall food consumption without upsetting his tum if you give him more smaller meals for a while (five or six meals a day for example). I would definitely go back to your vet and tell him your concerns and ask him to confirm that your puppy is healthy, he may have some other suggestions. Good luck with him. 🙂

  13. Hi
    my puppy’s 3and half months old. She is having her meals, stools also properly, my question is I haven’t seen her parents and I doubt on her breed’ s originality. Her hair in ears, stomach and sides are changing into black in colour. But the habits are as same as a labrador. I want to know whether is it any skin disease but my vet says it is not so. Please guide me.

  14. Comment:my 2 months old lab jenny is too thin..her weight is only 2 kg suggest me what to do.. I m feeding her cerelac/curd diluted in water. pls reply me fast

  15. Hi ,
    I have a gorgeous springador pup,18 weeks, 7.5 kg. Mum Springer,Dad working lab.
    Feeding her on kibble 3 times a day, 6am,11am and 4pm.
    Her housebreaking is going well,generally has a poo 3 hours after first 2 meals but then not before bed time!! She wants to go at around 4 in the morning.
    Any advice please..!!!

    • That’s a tough one Helen – you must be tired! There are things you could try – some exercise before bed can sometimes get things moving and help her sleep more deeply. Is she waking you up by barking? If so, you can try waking ‘her’ up before the time she normally wakes you, so she gets used to sleeping until you wake her, then gradually moving the ‘wake up call’ later each night. You could stay up late for a few nights and put her to bed later. Just to break the ‘habit’. Even if nothing else works, you’ll probably find this resolves when she drops down to two meals a day at six months old.

  16. Leo is going to be 4 months old next week. I’ve been feeding him Kibble soaked in hot water, apparently he has stopped eating lately. I’m assuming because of his teething phase (Since they are now coming out) he’s now looking to eat something hard; like kibble that is not soaked. I tried giving him the some, which he did eat but I’m not sure if he’s chewing it or simply swallowing it coz you can’t hear him munch on it (I’m not even sure if a 4 month old pup should be swallowing or should he chew the kibble) I’m also not sure if it’s the right time to start feeding a 4 month old unsoaked kibble. Even if I do, how much and how many times a day?. I’m guessing the water that he drinks is going to bloat up the kibble in his tummy so with that being said, I guess it’s safe to assume that I shall give him the kibble in small quantities!

    Any inputs and or corrections would be highly appreciated.

    • Hi Rohan, it is fine to give your puppy unsoaked kibble – I don’t normally soak kibble for my pups, even when teething, unless their mouths are very sore. Feeding schedules are in the article above, its just the same for unsoaked as it is for soaked. Most pups need three meals a day until 6 months old. 🙂 Hope that helps – Pippa

    • You’ll probably need to increase quantities just a little as there will be some slow growth for the next few months. I’ll add another section to the chart 🙂

  17. I have two Labrador puppies (sisters now 8 months old) I feed them only on fish and vegetables. I used James Wellbeloved kibble three times a day ( total of 360g per day each), then they have two carrots a day, one cold liver oil capsule and two ice cubes of tomato juice. Once a week I exchange a kibble meal for a whole fresh mackerel from the fish counter. What would be your advise on reducing their meals to twice a day?

  18. What is the ideal food for Labrador ??? Shall I feed him on vegetables?? How often shall I give him eggs?? By the way he is 4 months old

  19. Hi Pippa!!!!
    I rescued a puppy lab with 5 weeks. I know that she is too young and should stay with her mom but sadly her mom died. I´m given her Milk Replacement for puppies and dry food with water. I would like to consult you some advices about how to grow up a too young puppies. And want do you think about the food.
    I am from Panamá and I went to a vet and he told me that she is OK, but Im not really sure… she es adorable and I want the best for her

  20. Hi Pippa Ma’am,
    I got a lab (male) few days back. My seller saying that the age of pup is around 1 month /5 week but he don’t look like as he is 1 month old. He looks as if he is 20/25 days old..
    I am giving him 1&1/2 or 2 spoons of Royal’s Puppy Lac Gold with water around 25ml 3 times a day; 2 times a day of Royal Canin Starter after soften it with warm water.
    He is peeing good,Poos around 2 times a day, Plays with me but while sleeping he starts to shiver, I didn’t get his this behavior. He has started bitting me. He is sleepless in night.

  21. Hello Pippa.
    I have been reading this with some distress. The amount of people that are acquiring Labrador puppies at 1 mth and 6 weeks etc, Which is totally wrong, and could cause severe distress, for the puppy. Resulting in behavioural problems, and health problems. And not having any idea what so-ever, how to feed them. Also some people who have had their puppies for over 6 mths and are still asking advice on how and what to feed them. This gives me grave concern for the well being of the dogs health. I have three beautiful young female Labrador’s. 21 mths / 14 mths & 6mths. 2 Fox Red and 1 White / Honey. They are my love & my life. But, I would never have dreamed of acquiring a puppy without firstly investigating all the avenues of care that is needed to maintain good health and well being in your puppy. The documented D-O-B. And how to manage a balanced diet for your puppies health. Please escuse me, but reading some of these posts fill me with extreme dread, over the quality of life these little babies are receiving. If people are only now asking the best way to feed a dog, and what to feed after having him / her for over 6 mths. Then there is something not quite right. I believe that anyone having to ask such questions, needs to be investigated by the RSPCA..Instead of just receiving a generic answer and leaving them to it. These are beautiful, loving, living creatures. And it chills me to my heart to think of what they are being subjected to, by people who have absolutely no clue.

    • The vast majority of the people posting about tiny puppies are not in the UK Alan, so the RSPCA is not going to be of any help. One of the things we are trying to do with this site, is educate people so that they are better equipped to look after their dogs. I don’t think there are any quick answers though, and I agree, it is very saddening to read some of the comments.

  22. hi i have a labra puppy he is only 2 month old .he bites so mwhat you think ? when he will be big? he will be stop biting or not

  23. dear sir/mam
    i have a lab puppy age of 5 months named as lassi he does not eat the food we should serve to his mouth is to difficult to make her eating what to do kindly help us & give some idea

    we are giving drools focus preminium food

  24. Hi,
    I have an almost 6 weeks/45 days old lan pup and have been feeding him baby cerelac as thats what was told. Now he stopped eating that since 2 days and im giving him pedigree professional range starter pup pack. But he didnt ate that too and i had to add little boiled egg and he started eating it happily. He’s 2kg in weight.
    Now his doc says feed him dog food only like the one i have but my friends says i should only give him dog food once a day and for rest meals i should give him yoghurt with bread or cerelac etc. im totally confused as its my first pet and I love him so very much that i dont want to do any mistakes. So please let me know how and what exactly should i feed him at this age and for further weeks?? Also what food brand you would prefer??
    Also his doc has given me 4 syrups – multivitamin, liver tonic, calcium and digestion one – which he hates all and its a whole big task to give him these syrups via dropper – are these syrups ok at this age?? If yes then how to give them to him so that he likes them and not makes it famn difficult for me to give him those.
    Im based in India at the moment.
    Waiting for your reply relentlessly!!

  25. You comment that dog’s probably don’t get bored with kibble. Not true! We feed our 5 month old labrador Royal Canin for Labradors and accept that it provides good nutrition for him. Lately, however, he prefers to eat anything else rather than the kibble, … anything else, apples, carrot (raw), fish, lamb, treats…. He delays eating his kibble until there is no alternative.

  26. I have 3 month old lab, I want to feed him with Indian food like Pulses, Chappatties, Cooked Vegetables, Milk and Meat once or twice in week. Should it will be healthy, as Indian food is rich and have vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, nutrients, etc ? If not suggest me which food should I feed to him?

    • Hi Ashish, I do not recommend that you feed your dog in the way you intend. It is not a suitable diet for a dog and will not keep your puppy healthy. You can buy commercial puppy food in India, that is probably the best way for you to go.

  27. My lab is 2 months old and its not eating properly…even after 5to6hours what should i do ….i give drools n even pedigree…but no use pls help

  28. hi PIPPA
    i bought a 30 days golden pup..the breeder told me to fed him cerelac in curd for 45 days…i fed him as he told me..but the problem is he go for stool after feeding for 2 to 3 times and loose stools…is it the ryt way to fed him…and he is not much active yet…suggest me about this..tnxx

  29. Hi Pippa
    I have a five month old English lab that has had a rough start. He had a progressive aortic right arch. It strangulated his esophagus and created mega esophagus. He is eating a 1/2 cup four times a day in a slow eating bowl but he appears to be very thin. He currently weights 12 pounds which is a great improvment from 2.4 at nine weeks. My question is if I feed him too much in one sitting he throws-up but what can I do to fatten him up.

  30. Hi! I have a 3months old lab and it seemed that she easily gets bored with the food that I give her. When she was 2mos old I give her kibbles since that was what I have read from your articles but I don’t think she liked the brand so I just gave her leftover kitchen food, and she seems to enjoy it. After a week, it seems like she lost her appetite again that’s why I bought kibbles for her (different brand from what I have bought last time). She enjoyed the kibbles and always empties her food bowl. But a week ago, she started again to lose her appetite with kibbles, I don’t know what to feed her anymore. I just told my sister to give her leftovers if we have, and kibbles if we don’t have kitchen leftovers. I think she wants different foods served to her, am I right? Please give me an advice on what I should feed her. Thanks! And, your articles are very helpful! Thanks again! 🙂


    • Don’t serve milk to your puppy ?…it’s not good for there growth and stomach ..please start with the starter for continuously 3 month …then see the changes….

  32. My lab is almost 12 weeks old and I have trained him at feed time to sit and wait before I put his food bowl down for him to eat. I was wondering what age is fine to start training him to wait while the bowl is on the floor before I order him to eat. I just want to make sure he isn’t too young. Our other dogs do this and I need him to be able to do the same before I start feeding them together. Thanks

  33. i have 26 days old labrador puppy..he does not take artificial food but when given milk drinks easily..should i give him milk

  34. Hi, I have a 2 month lab at home. Currently we are feeding him 3 times a day puppy food (N&D, as per his body weight) and twice we feed him curd diluted in water, in between his main meals. We do not feed him anything unscheduled. Some times we do give him treats. However I wanted to switch to home meals completely so that we are not dependent on dog food all the time. Our family is a vegetarian, although we do eat eggs. Please suggest something.

  35. Hi everyone i have a cross breed labra like goldador and i love him 5 times more than myself..he is 10 months older and from 7 mnths he doesnt growth too good only his weight is increased but his heifht doesnt increased properly..
    I m very much concernd abt him i feed him 3 times a day frm his born to now..what is the problem is it normal or i should do something else to grow him better..Pippa if u read this then pls help..

  36. Hi Pippa..

    I have a 2 & half months black Lab puppy boy.. He is playful and always want to bite/chew.Plz guide me how to train him or stop this . Secondly advice me some homemade food ideal for Lab puppy.. veg or non-veg ideal for Indian family.
    Thanks for guidance and help…
    Rgds!! Sanjeeb

  37. Hello,
    My 35 days old lab, Oskar has stopped eating his Kibble since yesterday. A local trainer suggested that I give him Baby cereal for the first 45 days. He ate Baby cereal for a day and has stopped eating that too. Drink very little water or not at all. He is my first dog and I’m so worried for him. Please help, how can I make him start eating again?

  38. I have a 10 month old black Labrador. She has been eating blue buffalo Lamb & Oatmeal puppy food (based on high reviews) since she joined our family in May. Although, her stool is soft and runny more times than not. I am now contemplating changing her food to see if it helps! What are your recommendations? What do you feed your large breed puppy?

    • As I have read, Labs normally looses hair at sometimes but it is easily replaced. don’t worry about your Lab. 😉

  39. Sir,
    My puppy is about 3 week.. I feed him starter..directly. Now he is doing poty in liquid form..in every 5-10 main. Suggest me plz. What could I do now.???