I grew up with Jack Russell Terriers and Labrador Retrievers. My rural homelife brought into stark contrast the ways in which these breeds have very different personalities, and jobs to do.
Sharing is caring right? Well not always. There are plenty of human foods that are not good for dogs, and some that are positively dangerous.  The internet is awash with articles...
Country dog names come in two general categories - those inspired by the country music industry, and those that give a nod to deep South ranch life. These ideas really lend...
The best puppy toys for Labs and other large breed dogs have to be really tough to last more than a few weeks. Good puppy toys are not cheap, and my puppies are very hard on their...
The white Labradoodle is a Labrador Retriever and Poodle mix dog, with a chalky coat. White Labradoodle puppies inherit their snowy fur from the Poodle parent. This coat color isn't caused by...
Labs and Rottweilers are both high energy breeds that need plenty of exercise and thorough training. If you are not sure which breed will suit your family best, then the most important factor for you...
I’ve always gravitated towards Southern culture. And not just because I’m obsessed with the music. Insanely high levels of hospitality, perfect manners and unique food just scratch the surface of the great South.
P is the perfect first letter for a puppy’s name. That’s because P dog names begin with a hard, distinctive sound that will help to catch your pup’s attention. It’s not the first letter...
I was once accused of being cruel for running with my Labrador. That’s right, the claim was totally sincere. My companion announced that running deprives dogs of sniffing opportunities, and chances for a casual...
I love dog names that have an official slant to them. Something short, snappy, formal and tough in tone. Chief, Sarge, Sabre. Dao, Glaive or Marshal. Military dog names range from popular weapons to...