I was once accused of being cruel for running with my Labrador. That’s right, the claim was totally sincere. My companion announced that running deprives dogs of sniffing opportunities, and chances for a casual...
I love dog names that have an official slant to them. Something short, snappy, formal and tough in tone. Chief, Sarge, Sabre. Dao, Glaive or Marshal. Military dog names range from popular weapons to...
The Terrier is a feisty dog with a diverse history full of digging, chasing, rushing about and working in a gang. Depending on their modern purpose, they can also be extremely loyal and protective...
You are unique, and so is your new puppy. Originality isn't an impossible dream, and you can come up with a truly creative dog name for your furry friend with a splash of eccentric...
The Springador is a medium sized, energetic, mixed breed dog. It’s a cross between a Labrador Retriever and an English Springer Spaniel. The Springador will often have a black or brown coat with some...
There is no doubt that Whippets and Labradors are two of the very best pet dogs you can find. Labradors will always have my heart, but Whippets are a close second. I’ve grown up...
Heidi, Howard, Hank. Horacio, Henny or Hopscotch. Whether it’s for a boy or girl, dog names that start with H are the best choices for puppy naming because they are so varied!
Gretel, Gabe, Gloria. Giggles, Gabby or Goal. The letter G has huge appeal when it comes to naming your puppy, because it’s not an overused member of the alphabet. Dog names...
Chocolate poisoning in dogs is not uncommon. Yet not every dog will be poisoned by eating chocolate. This often leads to confusion. I’m going to explain why some dogs suffer...
LIMA dog training stands for ‘Least Invasive, Minimally Aversive’ dog training. So it’s not a specific method or protocol, but rather an over-arching philosophy, which you can apply to every training situation. Many professional dog trainers, including...