Labrador Feeding Demystified: A Comprehensive Expert Guide


The best Labrador food is high in fat and protein, but low in carbohydrates. Great diets avoid fillers, and are packed with healthy vitamins and minerals. Working out how to feed a Labrador isn’t just about picking the perfect menu though. You know Labs are enthusiastic eaters and prone to weight gain, so getting the right schedule and feeding routine can make a big difference to your pet’s welfare too.

My rule of thumb is that puppies up to six months of age need four meals a day. Adult dogs can cope just fine with two meals a day, but many prefer their daily rations to be broken down into smaller amounts.

I’m going to help you choose the right diet for your dog and answer your feeding questions and concerns about how to feed your Labrador. If your dog is under six months old, you’ll probably want to visit our puppy feeding page for detailed information on feeding your Labrador puppy.

*The products linked in this article were carefully selected by me to be shared on The Labrador Site. If you decide to purchase using the links provided, you’ll be supporting our site by allowing us to earn a small commission on that sale. This is at no extra cost to you.

Labrador Feeding Guide

The amount you feed your Lab will vary depending on his age and the type of food you are giving him. The Eukanuba Adult Breed Lamb and Rice food suggests these serving sizes:

  • 40 – 45 pound Lab, feed: 205 – 230 grams per day
  • 50 – 55 pound Lab, feed: 240 – 265 grams per day
  • 60 – 65 pound Lab, feed: 270 – 300 grams per day
  • 70 – 75 pound Lab, feed: 300 – 335 grams per day
  • 80 – 85 pound Lab, feed: 330 – 365 grams per day
  • 90 – 95 pound Lab, feed: 355 – 395 grams per day

However, these serving sizes will change depending on the food you use, and only apply to dry kibble! Keep reading to find out how much food your Lab needs if he isn’t eating kibble, and when to feed him.

What’s the best dog food for Labs?

Experts agree that the best food for any dog is a balanced diet that keeps him in excellent health at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, that’s where the agreement ends.

There’s lots to choose from

Even experts differ on which method of feeding is the most healthy, what makes a diet balanced, how easy it is to feed your dog a balanced diet, and which brand of kibble is best. By the end of this article, you’ll know everything about how to feed your Labrador.

Different Methods to Feed your Labrador

There are currently two very different approaches to dog feeding that are popular with many Labrador owners.

Both methods of feeding Labradors have their supporters and detractors. At one time a lot of dogs were fed on canned food with an added biscuit mixer. Nowadays, most pet dogs have dried meals.

Although majority of dogs are now being fed kibble, a substantial minority are fed raw. Raw feeding (the BARF diet) was once considered an extremist fad. But raw fed dogs thrived, and interest in raw feeding dogs has grown lately.

how to feed a Labrador

Labrador dog food choices – dry kibble

The majority of Labrador owners feed their dogs on dried kibble pellets. All major pet food companies now supply a dried version of their brands. You’ll find a confusing range of choice in pet stores and supermarkets worldwide. But some are better than others.

Advantages of kibble

The main advantage of being able to open a packet and instantly pour food into your dog’s bowl is convenience. Busy modern homes are pressed for time. Convenience is an important factor.

Kibble also stores well. It doesn’t need refrigerating or freezing and it doesn’t smell very strong. Most dogs nowadays are trained with food. So kibble has the added advantage of making portable training treats.

The disadvantages of kibble

Kibble doesn’t smell bad, but kibble fed dog poops stink. That is partly because kibble is full of fillers, additional bulking agents that are not fully digested by your dog.

These fillers mean that kibble fed dogs produce much greater quantities of poop and much smellier poop, than dogs fed on raw meat and bones. Kibble fed dogs may also need their teeth cleaning on a daily basis. There may also be a small increased risk of bloat in susceptible dogs fed on a dry food diet.

Kibble fed dogs may also be more likely to snack on their own poop (yes it’s a very common Labrador habit) than raw fed dogs.

how to feed a Lab

Should I feed my dog raw meat?

Natural raw doggy diets of meat and bones have become increasingly popular, despite some experts giving out dire warnings of the dangers of letting dogs consume bones.

Unfortunately, raw feeding does seem to attract a few extremists. Plus, it can be tricky to find objective and unbiased discussions of the pros and cons of raw feeding on the internet.

The pros and cons

Raw feeding is quite a big topic. It is both complicated and simple. Complicated because we tend to worry about the nutrients our dogs are getting. And we can’t see a list of ingredients on a meaty bone. But the truth is, we don’t need to.

Raw feeding is not as convenient as kibble feeding, It requires plenty of freezer and refrigeration space, a designated preparation surface, and good meat preparation hygiene. (Just as with meat preparation for people).

Small puppies need more research to be raw fed, as they are growing fast and are vulnerable to diets with a poor nutrient balance.

Raw fed dogs and small children

I don’t recommend raw feeding in families with very small children. This is because raw fed dogs get messy. It is hard in this situation to keep raw meat juices containing pathogens, away from children too small to understand the importance of hand washing

The fact is that there is no right way to feed your dog. No ‘best way’ to provide a balanced diet.

labrador feeding

Deciding Between Raw and Kibble

  • If you have a small puppy you may be happier feeding kibble
  • With children under five, it may be safer for you to feed kibble
  • If your dog has a close relative that has suffered from bloat, he may be safer eating raw
  • If your dog suffers from allergies, he might do better on raw

Choosing a brand for your Labrador

Cost matters, but choosing the lowest price Labrador food is not always the cheapest option. Very often, you will need to feed larger quantities of the cheaper food. Mid range dog food brands are usually a good starting point, but the most expensive brands can come with a hidden health benefit.

Biologically appropriate kibble?

I like the Orijen brand(paid link)*, it is what my dogs have as training treats or when I can’t provide raw. Orijen is perhaps the closest thing to biologically appropriate food that you’ll find in a kibble at 80% meat and 20% vegetable with no grain at all(paid link)*.

Remember that a change in diet can upset your dog’s stomach. So if you decide to switch brands, do it gradually over the space of a few days by adding a little more of the new food and a little less of the old, each day.

How often to feed your Labrador

Many dog owners continue to feed their dogs twice a day throughout their lives. Some people feed their dogs once a day after twelve months of age.

We do know that there is an association between bloat and large meals. Though this may only apply to kibble. Once daily feeding is probably fine if you decide to feed raw meat. But with kibble it may be too much dry food in one go. I recommend that you feed your adult dog morning and evening.

How often to feed Labrador puppies

The amount of food that your Labrador puppy needs(paid link)* to eat each day must be divided into several portions. If you try and give him the whole day’s ration in one go,  he will probably give it his best shot. But it will almost certainly give him diarrhoea and could damage his stomach as kibble swells after drinking.

From eight to twelve weeks your puppy will benefit from four meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, tea and supper. Space the meals at least three hours apart to give him chance to digest them properly. And make sure the last meal is a two to three hours before his last trip to the toilet at bedtime.

Once your puppy gets to three months old you can divide his daily ration into three portions, and by six months to two. Breakfast and supper.

How much to feed your Labrador?

Recommended quantities can be found on kibble packaging and these will vary quite widely from brand to brand. They are also often on the high side. If your dog is a little overweight, feed about a third less than recommended for a few days and then re-assess his appearance. Your dog may well need less food than you think.  

How long should your dog take to eat his dinner?

Some people leave food down for their dog’s to ‘graze’ on. I prefer my dogs to eat their meals up fairly quickly. Some dogs are more likely to be ‘picky’ if they know they can come back to their dinner later on. I recommend you take up your dog’s bowl after ten minutes if he hasn’t finished. He won’t come to any harm if he hasn’t devoured the lot.

How to feed a Labrador slowly

A much more common problem in Labradors, is the dog that scoffs his dinner in a heartbeat and then begs for more with pleading eyes. There is an association between bloat and rapid eating, so if you can slow down your dog a little, it is probably good thing. The best way to do that is by using a slow feed bowl(paid link)*.

Feeding household scraps and left overs to dogs

Many people will add household scraps to their dog’s dinner bowl. In theory, there is a risk that this will ‘unbalance’ his diet. In practice, most adult dogs will come to no harm if they occasionally get some ‘extras’ in their bowl.

Make sure that your leftovers don’t contain sugar, onions, cooked bones or any common human foods that are toxic to dogs. And to keep the diet balanced, make sure that left overs don’t comprise more than 10% of your dog’s dinner.

Giving leftovers to puppies

Puppies need a very well balanced diet, so it is not a good idea to feed your puppy on household scraps.

Dog feeding equipment and storage

Good dog feeding bowls are dishwasher safe and not easily breakable. Cheap and colorful plastic bowls can look tired after a few trips through the dishwasher, so I like stainless steel(paid link)*. Although I admit it is quite noisy, and not as pretty as some of the ceramic products. Avoid raised bowls if possible as some studies have associated these with bloat.

For kibble storage I recommend sealable bins(paid link)*, which you can fit large quantities of dried dog food into and keep fresh.

The Labrador Handbook by Pippa Mattinson(paid link)

Giving water to your Labrador

Puppies and older dogs need water available to them at all times during the day. It is ok to take your puppy’s water away an hour before bedtime to help with housetraining.

Kibble fed dogs drink quite a lot of water, raw fed dogs drink very little.

When feeding problems need veterinary help

All puppies need regular veterinary check ups and when you take your puppy to the vet for his vaccinations. This is a great time to ask any questions you might have on his diet and welfare generally.

All dogs may eat less in very hot weather. But changes in appetite, especially sudden changes, can be a sign that your dog is not well. If your Labrador goes off his food, don’t just put it down to old age.

feeding your labrador

The Labrador Site Founder

Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of The Happy Puppy Handbook, the Labrador Handbook, Choosing The Perfect Puppy, and Total Recall.

She is also the founder of the Gundog Trust and the Dogsnet Online Training Program 

Pippa's online training courses were launched in 2019 and you can find the latest course dates on the Dogsnet website


  1. I have a 6 month old male lab. Some times I’m out of town overnight, can I leave food out for him to ear as he wants?

    • It’s best to slowly switch over dog foods over several days
      So say your dog eats 2 cups of pedigree a day , I would give 1 1/2 cups pedigree and 1/2 c royal canin for 2 days then 1c of each then 1/2 c pedigree and 1 1/2 c ROYAL ..

  2. Just checking …. How is it that you dont reply to guys askin questions from India…. ????
    Lets see if you answer mine. My bundle of joy ..Lab 2 years..was eating cooked rice and boiled chicken . due to time constraint i am not able to do the same now and so got Dry Kibble “Focus”.. It is a brand in India…oops .Anyway ..he does not eat now . What do i do ? shall i go beat the guy who sold me the kibble or myself to try and fed kibble to Hercules my lab 🙂 He is now eating very less and looks like he does not like being feed Kibble..Tried Pedigree but same result.. and i cant switch back to rice and chicken

    • Hi Srini

      Questions in comments may be left unanswered for any of the following reasons – in no particular order. It could be because:

      The question is not related to the topic of the article
      The question has already been answered in the article
      We ran out of time for answering questions that day

      In addition, we may decide not to respond to people that don’t frame their questions in a polite or friendly manner.

      As you can see, the assumption in your opening question is incorrect. The geographical location of the person commenting is not something we take into account when responding to comments

      There are more questions posted here on this website every day than I or my small team can possibly answer, so while we do our best, a much more reliable way to get help with your dog is to join the community in our forum.

      In answer to your question about your dog refusing to eat, here is the article you need – . I hope you find it helpful

  3. I can honestly say I have not looked back since feeding my 22 week old pups on a Raw diet. Both pups when they arrived had diarrhoea the male much worse than the female he was also smaller than his sister weighing nearly 2 kilos less they both weigh a healthy 20 kilos now. I cant feed any kibble type food and have to be careful feeding treats that are “ man made” I try to stick to carrots and apple slices when training. My only worry will be trying to find a kennel that feeds raw food when I go on holiday.

  4. I have a 45 day old lab. Every time I feed her she downs her food in ten seconds and looks at me with pleading eyes. Should I feed her more?

    • Nooo
      Put a tennis bowl in her dish or buy a dish that slows her eating down
      If that still doesn’t slow her what we did if she got 1 cup in morning I would put 1/2 in bowl then waited a bit say 15 min then gave the other half cup. I also added a little water an let it sit for 5 min before giving to our lab. dry kibble swells and can cause a problem ( ours would eat so fast then drank her water then choke and vomit shortly after!

  5. Hi.we have a 12 month old lab.we feed him dry food.we still feed him twice a day.he has 2 1/2 cups in morning then again at night and occasionally a treat of some kind.he has always been a big dog but not over weight.last weigh in at vet was 30 kilo a few months back and vet said he could possibly reach 35 to 40 given the size he is.he is very active getting walk and run everyday.we are unsure if we should now be only feeding him once a day now that he has turned 12 months.thank you

  6. My Ellie who is one this month has been feed Lilys .kitchen puppy food which does not contain any fillers. My vet has remarked on her beautiful coat and lovely pure white teeth. Along with this she also eats all fruits (unless on banned list) and vegetables. I was really surprised when I drop a cauliflower stalk and she ate it. Now moved her onto Lilys adult which again does not contain any grain or other fillers . We called her ‘tinney ribs’ but our vet says she’s ok weighing 18.5 kg

  7. I have a 3months old black labrador
    He has just recovered from parvo virus
    My family is vegetarian, so can you plz suggest me the perfect vegetarian diet for my Labrador ?
    It may be helpful if you tell me the diet in detail and quantity of food to be given.

  8. I live in india…I got a lab puppy 48 days…..could anyone suggest me a proper diet chart. …which would help my lab……….

  9. I just inheirited a 7 year old Black Lab from a friend who is moving and can’t take him with her. He is a great dog but apparently has been spoiled with kindness for too long…he is about 10-15lbs overweight. (The owner said he was 101lbs at last weigh in) I read all the points made about exercise and diet, how often to walk and feed, but there is nothing about how MUCH to feed him at a time. I have never had an overweight dog so this is a bit new to me.


    • Thanks for drawing my attention to this. I have added a section called “How much to feed your dog” and there are a couple of links there you might find helpful

  10. Hi Pippa
    I have a 16month old English black lab healthy–She has become a bit picky with her dry dog food–does not like anything with fish nor does she like Blue Buffalo/wilderness brands
    My store does not sell Orajen or Merrick–can you recommend a dog food please–

  11. Hello! I have a 4 month old Labrador, and since i had him (1,5 month) I’ve been giving him dry dog food-only royal canine (some vegetables with turkey and chicken from time to time).I know the food chart, the dosage per day and per meal, but i want to try feeding him more with homemade food like vegetables with rice and meat and such(no spices, no salt, etc) so if i continue with home made food (at least once per day or such) do i also need to follow the same dosage chart per meal like the ones for the kibble?

  12. Hi Pippa, I have a year old female Lab. I have never had any female do earlier. She got her first heat cycle now. Is there any special care needed in her diet and exercise routine?

  13. Hi, I have a golden retriever female who is 14 months old….she is very fond of almonds and other dry nuts…is it OK to give all those????

  14. Hi Pippa.

    We have a 6 month old chocolate lab who we feed on dry kibble. She has 3 meals a day of Skinners puppy , bit recently we have found that when out on walks she is partial to seeking out and eating poop. Yuk. I hear it’s common for puppies sometimes. I also read it can because of deficienciesin her diet. We are thinking of changing her kibble. She has the skinners with a little wet food mixed in but the majority is kibble. Can you recommend an alternative brand of kibble that might be more satisfying for her ?she is for a working family from a farm and is very energetic and slim. Any help to reduce her poop intake would be appreciated. Failing all alternative I may just have to put a muzzle on her during our walks.

  15. I give my lab a good feed in the morning with a small treat at the latter part of the day. I feed him brisket bones, meat shank bones, chicken frames, lamb offcuts with some bones along with really good quality kibble(no grains) occasionally..and some offal..not much..about 10% of his feed. He is a big dog naturally. He is happy with one meal a day and his weight is good for his size. He is 2 + years of age. I started his raw meat diet 12 months ago…and it has helped regulate his weight. Happy boy…

  16. Hi,my lab is 3 month old,it’s our 1st lab,we don’t know much about his diet timing,but we give him food whenever he is hungry,plz tell me about the time for giving him his meals

  17. hi me not that much good at english… lab is 3 months old….he loves to eat fish and meat ..but my vet warned me like fish is not good for dogs …is that true?can i feed him raw chicken and beef ?what kind of non veg food can i feed my titoooooooo??plz guide me

  18. i have 45 days old lab puppy i used to feed him milk and other thing which are soft enough problem is he is bitting everyone everywhere what should i do..? another thing is should i put belt on him as if he is so young so m confused whether i should or not

    • Here is the puppy feeding page and here is information on biting

      If by belt you mean should you hit your puppy? No, you should not! Modern dog training does not need punishment or harsh treatment of puppies. Please visit our training section to learn how to train your puppy using kind, humane methods.

      If by belt you mean leash or lead – check out our article on harnesses – you can clip your puppy’s lead on to one.

      • hi Pippa…………my grandfather has an 11 year old labrador who has some minor dental problems…what should we feed him? I wasn’t sure about the diet charts on the net because I don’t know who even made them, but could you please tell me what we should do!! we usually feed him soft boiled vegetables ( which he has been eating pretty much all his life ) and some canned meat ( made for dogs ), but he’s getting old and is also developing arthritis, so is there anything we can do ? he is also taking vitamin supplements given by the vet…………….please tell me !

        • Hi Mjugran, I would not advise feeding a dog on soft boiled vegetables, but would recommend you follow the feeding advice in the article above. Your vet is the best person to advise on your dog’s dental problems. Some people feel that glucosamine supplements are a good idea for older arthritic dogs, you’ll find this is added to most senior commercial dog foods, if not, you can purchase it online or from your vet. It may be already in what your vet has prescribed. Pippa

  19. hi pippa.. As evrey 1 know Vaccination shot Given on upper shoulder Skin.. But a vet of my town given 1st vaccine shot to my puppy @age 45 days on his Rear(hind) right leg .. 5day earlier .. I want to know did the Vaccine Shot successful? If it’s not then what I do ?? Plz help

  20. hi pippa!
    am samanth. i have a 4 mnths lab,he does’nt bark on outsiders when he see a new person.
    can u tell me the what the reason for it.

  21. My 10 month old lab has two Weetabix for breakfast and dry food for her tea. She loves the Weetabix but I wonder should I do it with water and not milk?

  22. Hi there!
    I am from India and I have a labrador who is male and six years old. He came last week from our relatives house. He was their dog. But he is well acquainted with me and seems to have adjusted well with us. We are facing a problem with his diet! He used to eat kibble food but from the time he has come here, he had stopped eating it. He drinks a glass of milk in the morning and he likes bread. So we give him bread in the afternoon. At night he has rice and curd. Could you suggest something else …. He is one lazy lab! Doesnt like to run much too…
    Please help! 😉

    • Or maybe, how much an average 12 week old eats? How much did your dog eat when they were 12 weeks?(If they’re there yet).

  23. Hi there, I am getting an 8week old lab next week and the breeder is feeding it bakers puppy food. I have researched this food and have read a lot of negative comments about it, such as full of additives and can affect a dogs health. Is this true and is there a best food brand for a lab and what’s the best way to wean it off it’s old food? Thanks

  24. I have 3 months old pet dog his name is Dozer I have 2nd vaccination few days back, he is not eating any thing since 17 hours he is quite and lazy now please guide me what can I do,


  25. Hi .. we have our second puppy, aged 16 weeks. He is a Fox Red Lab same as our first dog Ollie. The pair couldn’t be so different! The younger one almost inhales his food. His kibble is still being soaked and we only realised we should have him on three meals a day. Will we be okay to do this and how to we cope with the possibility of bloat? We want to introduce it slowly and have also bought the ‘slow bowl’ to feed him now. Aside all this we are having a huge problem with him eating stones regardless of watching him like a hawk. He is so quick and generally it’s outwith the garden .. is he lacking something in his diet? The vet seems to think he will outgrow it. It is worrying as he has brought up stones and also passed them in his faeces. Any advice on any of the above would be great

  26. Hi, i m vithu masurkar from goa and im having 5 months old female.
    she has problem of inching bcz of that see get wound on his body

  27. Hi Pippa, we have a 4year old yellow lab. He eats only dry pellets once a day. We live in South Africa so I am not familiar with most of the brands mentioned. He is really quite overweight and I have tried buying the “light” or “diet” versions of the kibbles but it really didn’t make a difference! He’s quite greedy and would help himself to my children’s plates if unattentded – obviously this doesn’t help!! Of our three dogs, he’s the only overweight doggie and it breaks my heart! Please can you give me some advice. He does get some exercise. I don’t know what to do, I feel sorry for him! Thanks in advance!

  28. Hi I’m from India, I’m facing the problem with my lab hair fall and food.. Can i give her glucose powder (water+glucose)

  29. I have a 8 months labrador of golden colour..i have a problem that he doesnot want to eat veg foods ..when i give him a boiled chicken he eats it very well but when i give him anything else than that he does not show any interest on food..i dewormed him 15 days ago…what can i do .plzzz help me out..

    • Your dog doesn’t want to eat vegetables because he is a carnivore. He wants and needs to eat, either a natural raw meat diet OR a complete commercial dog food with the nutrients he needs in the right proportions.

  30. Hi,i have a labra female of 7 months old i m giving her food twice daily (chapati in morning with milk or curd some time and drolls at evening) but she is not growing not in size and not also in height as in height she looks like 4 or 5 months old i m very sad about it so what should i do so that my puppy me grow very well and her growth my become better as i want to see her like h labra dog which i m not seeing in my labra puppy.

  31. Hi, My wife and i have just agreed to adopt a 2 year old lab, because the previous owners have only fed the dog human buscuits for the past 2 years and the dog is very weak. the dog was taken over by animal services and is coming to us on sunday and we wish to bring it back to life and give it a good home. We have a 2 year old daughter as well so im sure there will be plenty of companionship. Please help me with your advise(any will do)?

  32. Hi Pippa. I have a 22 month old lab. She has been eating Arden Grange and Burns kibble all her life but suddenly stopped. I kept giving her the kibble and she refused it but after 3 days I started to worry and fed her some chicken and rice, which she ate. I have been giving her this in the morning and a can of Butchers dog food with a hand full of Arden Grange adult kibble mixed in at night for the past few weeks. I am worried that this may not be balanced. What do you think I should do?

  33. I have 2 8 months labs…. Before they wer feeding on rice n veggies n meat… Now they dnt eat rice… Is tat ok… They r jst choosing the vegetables n meat out of rice n leave the rice untouched… Wat shall i do
    Pliz suggest…..

  34. Hey there ! I just want to ask one question. My 8 weaks lab dog bites me in my hands alot , is that normal? Do u think he is playing or what? Thanks alot

  35. we have got one year old lanrador female. we have briught the same one year back it is 20days old. the problem is it will eat every thing on earth means own stool, other stools, iron, cloth, wood, cement, dust,meat and liking fioor. as per vet dr. we are giving calcium tbs daily, and our feeding is royal canin dry food, pulkas with curd daily three times, enough food.

    Pl give advise how my pet will stop to eat above things. we are used cap to mouth but no resultes.

  36. my labrador eating every thing on earth i.e it will eat own stool and other stool, eat iron, cloth, wood, gober, dust and liking floor.

    we are giving good food daily four times. we are giving calcium and cadliveroil capsules. good food means pedgree/royal canin food.

    will you please give advise how my pet will not touch those things

  37. We just brought home a 7 week old lab puppy! She still cries a lot, and we were told she eats twice a day-I’m so glad I found your article. I had no idea to feed her 4x a day!! Poor girl!!
    Could you tell me how much dry kibble we should be giving her at each feeding? We do not have the food she was given so we placed her on a grain free kibble.
    Thanks so much!

  38. Good evening,
    we have a 6 months old male lab, we’ve just recently reduced his feeds from 116g 4 times a day to 166g 3 a day, hes on wainwrights puppy found which states he required 470g for his age, however im worried this may be too much of an increase, we have noticed he’s bellys more swollen. the guidelines are very confusing, can you please offer me any advice as we dont want him to get fat and and cause him any discomfort

    kind regards

  39. hey, my partner has nearly 21 month old black lab. he is a typical hyper lab who loves food. However I was wondering what the best dried food to give him is? we have slowed his eating down by using the green thing that you have recommended (even though has learnt that if he knocks it so the food comes out he can try and eat faster) but we are worried that the food we are giving him (james well beloved) has got too much protein in and making him hyper still. hope you can help

    • Hi Rosemary, the only way to find out if a change of food would help, is to try a different brand. The chances are though, that it is not the food which is affecting his temperament.

  40. Hello.
    I have a 3 month old lab name royal. he is very playful which is good. But when i give him food he just eat all of it like he has the last meal of his life. Even he eat his egg in a single go without even chewing it al all. I need your advice.
    Thanks in advance.

  41. Hi Pippa

    We have a 3 month old male lab and we are feeding him Solid Gold Flocken Puppy Dry food. Could you please help me with the quantity and the timings when to feed him?

    Thank you

  42. Hi, We adopted a 2.5-3 year old Black Lab/Shepherd mix. She is absolutely wonderful and doing very well with us. A question on how much to feed her. She currently gets two meals per day, each meal is approx. 1.5 cups of dry food. She weighs approx 65 lbs. Is this the right amount of food? Thank you.